The Limits of Democracy



'Lai Olurode

culled from Guardian, June 1, 2004

D EMOCRACY is now a catch-phrase, in fact since the mid-80s the wave of democratisation as a derivative of structural adjustment had become a conditionality of a sort set by the advanced countries for doing business with dictatorial regimes in Africa, Asia and the Latin American countries. In this context, democracy is paraded as being synonymous with civilisation, modernity and development. Among the assumptions associated with democracy are the enhancement of citizenship rights, political participation and accountability in government.

The very notion of democracy is problematic in a general sense but it is with regards to its particular inadequacies that we are concerned. What are often paraded as the virtues of democracy are not claims which can be excluded from political formations that are undemocratic. Even in a democracy, all of the characteristics patently associated with the term may not be simultaneously present in the right combination, nor can a positive corelationship be taken for granted. There are indeed varieties of democracy. It does exist on a continuum.

More specifically however, the so-called Western liberal democracies are failing to promote popular participation in the affairs of the state. Over the past couple of decades for example, the U.S. had witnessed consistent decline in the number of voters at general elections. The referendum as a strategy for dealing with low voters turn-out had or as an adhoc strategy not recorded much success. There are promising prospects that this trend would continue. The U.S. and other Western Societies have social structures that negate the imperative of popular participation. These societies are highly individualistic and people are, ironically though, becoming more fatalistic about the role and ineluctable power of the state.

In the U.S. for example, the low and the middle classes exhibit a general behavioural pattern that tends to say "Does it really matter whether it is the Democrats or the Conservatives. Either of them hurt more or less